Peter Pan +

I’ve realized my last update on this side of the blog was back in May 2014. I think I will use this day in 2015 to bring it to life. Even though I saw this play a month ago, back on January 10. It is never too late to start back.

I don’t think I would have went to this play alone. Even though I enjoy the productions put on by New Stage. I usually don’t have that many free Saturday nights after New Stage and Mississippi Symphony get onto my calendar.  So, I went with a friend who expressed interest in it. And thus I bought the tickets in December in anticipation of the play. I am glad I followed through with it.

The good thing about the play being Peter Pan is that you can actually can have show dates after Christmas. Unlike the Christmas Carol which I’m sure most people would not express interest in seeing after Christmas.

I’m always impressed by the plays of New Stage, even the ones that I’m unsure of seeing. I was looking forward to Peter Pan

Now, on to a semi-review of Peter Pan.

Again for a local theatre, this play was impressive.

If you remember watching the 1960 version of the Peter Pan movie with Mary Martin as a kid or even the Disney classic from 1953, both which I did enjoy. Seeing the play live brings it back to life.

It easy to immerse yourself back into the play once it begins. From the lights, to the sounds, and nicely designed sets. Of course the play was geared towards children, because who else would need the memories of Peter Pan once they finally grow up. We sometimes don’t want to grow up, just like the lost boys in Peter Pan. Thus we watch this particular play to bring us back to a time, when we were not there yet. So, as adults we can indulge ourselves in a play like Peter Pan.

Once of the main things, I was looking forward to was the flying effects they were incorporating into the play. And it did not disappoint. From the shaggy dog to the crocodile it was all there. It helps having a great cast to pull the play together.  The play overall was great.

So, for two hours you can immerse yourself into a different world when you watch a play live. It is a different experience, then watching a big production movie at the movie theatre. Sometimes you have to get out and support the local arts. It helps getting out, and experiencing life around you.

Side Note:

I’ve realized more now that I’ve been sitting in the wrong seat to view the play. I have two tickets for each play in the season. And my favorite seat doesn’t give the vantage point of viewing a friend enjoying the play. The first time I switched seats was back at Ms. Mannerly when I brought a friend along who enjoys plays at New Stage. It was the best seat for him to see the play better.  I noticed then I could actually see a friend enjoying the play. I’ve been missing out in the past seasons by not switching seats. I was focused on the play, and did not see the enjoyment of friends who came along. I’ve missed all those smiles and laughs. I have now found my new seat. And all it took was giving up the best seat, so a friend could enjoy the play without obstruction.








Moving beyond cancer. Is there a point from which you can? Maybe not so early in the game. Only time will tell.

Life continues to pickup and get busy. It is never ending, day in and day out.

Truthfully you need to find the time, to fit others into your life. It may not seem like it is possible, but don’t make work your life. If you can make room, you will be able to fit others into your life. I’ve been able to do just that this past week by simply meeting with friends for lunch. It helps break up the week

Of course, you would rather life be busy and not have to deal with any hard issues. If you combine those two, they will easily collide. I’m sure it would be tough for someone who has never dealt with any hard pressing issues to have those two worlds collide.

Well, how soon do I forget at times about my own life. The ways I get through anything is just to look back at what I’ve personally been through.  Why worry about the mundane things of life. Even though, I still get caught up in those very things. I have a sovereign God who brought me through many trials. I still don’t know why I’ve been all through these trials in my life. I’m still trying to figure that out.

And at this point, no upcoming scans until June. Last year, I had a good bit of scans. Eight total. Some concerns arose because of the uncertainty of those scans. So, this year should be four at the minimum. Glad last year is behind me.

Statistics.  For instance a study of 10 patients vs 100 patients, both are too small to put a patient into a particular category. There is not enough to come to a concrete conclusion. This is in relation to a doctor’s visit crossed with a conference in DC last year. Mainly about recurrence rates and followup scans. The doctor agreed about the study statistics. I disagree with the shorter followup suggestions. She said we will deal it when will get to that point.

Moving forward. Take the time to do what you want to do. Whether you want to learn to play the piano or learn to dance. We don’t know how long we are here. Get up, because there is never time like the present. If we don’t? Well, the choice is yours. But you will be glad you did.